
A side-hung window is an outward-opening window, hinged either on the left or right side of the window frame with 2 - 4 visible hinges.

This window type can be produced with two different closing solutions: either stile-mounted stays and fasteners or a handle-operated multi-point latch with ventilation and braking options.


A side-hung window is an outward-opening window, hinged either on the left or right side of the window frame with 2 - 4 visible hinges.

This window type can be produced with two different closing solutions: either stile-mounted stays and fasteners or a handle-operated multi-point latch with ventilation and braking options.

Beslag, hængsler og greb til sidehængte vinduer
Greb, beslag, hængsler, låse til produktion af sidehængte vinduer
Sidehængte vinduer - lad os designe den perfekte løsning med beslag, paskviler, greb mv. til jeres produktion