
A top-hung window is an outward-opening window. The sash is hinged from the head and, on opening, the bottom part of the sash moves out while the top stays at the same level.

This window type can be produced with two different closing mechanisms: normally with casement stay and pins, or with a handle-operated multipoint latch and keepers with ventilation.


A top-hung window is an outward-opening window. The sash is hinged from the head and, on opening, the bottom part of the sash moves out while the top stays at the same level.

This window type can be produced with two different closing mechanisms: normally with casement stay and pins, or with a handle-operated multipoint latch and keepers with ventilation.

Tophængte vinduer - specialdesignede løsninger med hængsler, greb, beslag mv.
Greb, beslag, hængsler, låse til produktion af tophængte vinduer
Tophængte vinduer - lad os designe den perfekte løsning med beslag, paskviler, greb mv., der passer til jeres produktion